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More to come soon! If you try any of these videos, drop me a line to let me know how they felt.
Zoom Video: Core Yoga June 3, 2023
Core Repertoire with focus on Back Strength & Posture
Zoom Video: Core Yoga June 10, 2023
Core Repertoire with focus on Arms & Back with Weights
Zoom Video: Core Yoga June 13, 2023
Core Repertoire with focus on Clamshells with Weights

November 6, 2023
This yoga class is 1 hour and 10 minutes. It is a Gentle Yoga class, plus Chakra Meditation. Focus on stretching with a strap, standing poses and some balance.
Safe for people with Osteopenia, Osteoporosis and Arthritis. While the class is gentle, we don't focus on the construction of the poses or alignment, so it helps to be familiar with classic yoga poses before taking this class.
Equipment: yoga mat, yoga strap, and towels or blankets for cushioning, as desired. If you don't have a yoga strap, use a towel or a belt.
May 16, 2024
Core Yoga Class 5 16 24
This yoga class is 1 hour. Core yoga combines yoga and Pilates movements.
Safe for people with Osteopenia, Osteoporosis and Arthritis. In this class we do some bridges, leg circles with elastic exercise bands to create resistance, as well as classic Pilates and yoga movements.
Equipment: yoga or pilates mat, 1 yoga block, elastic exercise band, pilates ring, and any cushioning you might want for yourself. If you do not have a yoga block or a pilates ring, you can use a pillow or a folded towel instead. If you do not have elastic exercise bands, you can do the movements without.
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